Thursday, June 21, 2012

Back on the Track

Hello Runners!,
Well, after a few days off and an easy day yesterday, it was back to the track today.  The workout for today on the track were 800's.  Jay and I decided we wanted to run the 800's at flat or negative splits.  For those who don't know, negative splits means your second lap is faster than your first.  For example, if my first lap was 80 sec, and my second lap was 78 sec, that means I ran negative splits.  The plan was to do 3x800 with our first lap around 80 sec.  We would have about 3 min. rest between each 800.

The workout went well.  My pacing was a little off, but I managed to run negative splits for all three 800's.  The times were:
1st - 2:42 (5:24 mile pace)
2nd - 2:36 (5:12 mile pace)
3rd - 2:44 (5:28 mile pace)
I was a little disappointed with my third 800 time as I thought I could run a very similar time to my 2nd 800.  I don't think I was quite recovered (even after 3 min) for my final 800 which hurt my time a bit.  After we finished the 800's, we finished the workout with 3x200's.  I ran perfectly even splits for all three, 35 sec each.  I feel very confident that I'm starting to get the speed I'll need to run a sub-5 mile.  What I need to work on now is maintaining that speed over 4 laps.  

I would have liked today's workout to have been a bit longer and perhaps more difficult but I'm running in the Badger State Games on Sunday so I didn't want to push too hard.  Also, I'm just two days removed from a knee/IT ailment so I didn't want to push too hard too soon.  At the Badger State Games I'm registered to run the 1500m and the 800m run.  It's nearly a 2 hour drive from Neenah to Wausau (where the meet is located).  My plan is to get up early on Sunday, drive to the meet and put forth a good effort in the races.  I don't have any goals in regards to placing as I don't know how many people are running (or WHO is running for that matter).  Instead, I have some time goals.  I would like to run under 5 minutes for the 1500m and under 2:30 for the 800m.  My next blog will be the results of the Badger State Games.  Wish me luck everyone!

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